Las Flores Learning Garden

this is the LFLG eval page
Come Visit Us!
2. Low Water, Low Maintenance (eval)

Garden #2 is installed - check it out. Other areas coming soon.

1. Landscape Grasses

2. Low Water, Low Maintenance

3. Native Plants

4. Pollinator Garden

5. Succulents

6. Wellness Garden

 7. Education Center

 8. Firewise Garden

 9. tbd

10. tbd

11. tbd

12. Landscape Grasses

13. Children's Garden

14. Citrus

15. Tubers & Bulbs

16. tbd

17. Lawn Alternatives

18. Swale / Rain Garden





Breaking Ground In Learning Garden #2 Low Water, Low Maintenance

Dozing the First Garden in 2020.


Planting The Native Garden Summer 22


Grand Opening Vine Cutting July
Grand Opening Vine Cutting July


LFLG Workshop