UC Master Gardeners of Napa County continued touring each others gardens on June 9th. The first stop was a delightful garden with multiple purposes.
The front garden featured plants requiring very little water and many California native plants were thriving.
This property was part of a garden tour for the public several years ago. At the time there was a lawn in the front and attendees could vote for their choice of garden plans, displayed on easels with the lawn removed. Now, the focus in the front is a huge matilija poppy, proudly displaying its many fried-egg look alike blooms.
Sturdy planter boxes situated on the sunny south side of the house grows vegetables and strawberries.
The back yard features fruit trees, perennials and a beautiful dry fountain area filled with succulents. In the shade on the north side of the house grows some shade lovers including a variety of fuchsias.
Our next garden has some handsome catmint, Nepeta cataria and carpet rose filling an area next to the street. The show-stopper in the front of the property are the gorgeous flowering dogwood trees that were in full bloom.
Napa Master Gardeners are available to answer garden questions by email: mastergardeners@countyofnapa.org. or phone at 707-253-4143. Volunteers will get back to you after they research answers to your questions.
Visit our website: napamg.ucanr.edu to find answers to all of your horticultural questions.
Photos: Jane Callier