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Sweet or Spooky Pumpkin Centerpieces - Yountville

6516 Washington Street
Yountville, CA
Contact: 707-253-4221
Sponsor: UC Master Gardeners • Napa County

Napa County Master Gardeners lead this hands-on workshop. Use your homegrown decorative pumpkins to showcase a lovely succulent arrangement. Pumpkin succulent arrangements last quite a while, require minimal maintenance, and make for a beautiful table centerpiece. Bring your own concave decorative pumpkin (Cinderella pumpkins are great for this) as
well as any succulents you have. We will have some to provide as well as moss, glue and soil.

This workshop is offered in partnership with Yountville Parks and Recreation Department and attendees should sign up for it at their website: Click here.

Scroll down to Events, then click on UC Master Gardeners.