Newspaper Articles
Weekly News from UC Master Gardeners
Toxic Plants in the Garden
During the summer of 2023, I did a lot of traveling, and my garden didn't get the oversight it needed. I say “oversight” because my yard has a mind of its own. Just before I took off, I looked around the place and noticed a flash of red...
Finding an English Garden in Northern California
I've been eager to satisfy my appetite for English gardens since visiting the Cotswolds region earlier this year. Fortunately, one doesn't need to travel to the U.K. to experience such a place. We have a great example in Northern California. It has been...
Do you associate “pH” with “plant Health” or “please Help”?
Okay, be honest. When you have a plant that is not doing well and you look for help from your favorite book, website, or YouTube source, and they start talking about pH, do your eyes roll back? First, let's define the term. In 1909 Danish biochemists...
Where Science Fair Meets Carnival
Most organizations have mission statements, but how often do you see one put into action? The U.C. Master Gardeners' mission is “to extend research-based knowledge on home horticulture, pest management, and sustainable landscape practices to the...
It’s Time For California Native Plant Season
It's getting close to what I call California native plant season. Fall and winter are the best times to plant natives, and that's also when the Napa Valley chapter of the California Native Plant Society (CNPS) holds its annual plant sale. The sale this...